Queridos Papitos y Estudiantes este año el trabajo de todos como equipo fue genial, debido a esto  nuestro deseo es que no pierdan la continuidad con el idioma y el avance alcanzado, por esto les dejo unas actividades a realizar durante este período de vacaciones.

You are the future, lets enjoy this day with fun and laughter.

Days of the week
7 are the days of the week

Remember the numbers 1-10

Alphabet review

More Language Tool
To communicate in the classroom

May I wash my hands?
May I blow my nose.

May I stand up?

How do you say ............ in English?

How do you write the word.............?

What´s the meaning of............?

Language Tool
Remember these phrases to communicate in the classroom:

May I drink some water?

May I go to the recess time?

May I go the bathroom, please?
Can you, please, repeat the homework?

My Body

Taking care of your body.
We have one body for our entire life. Our body houses all the organs that keep us alive. We need to take care of our body and respect it.

Helping out at home is a sign of respect for the place where we live. We should keep our room clean, set the table, wash the dishes, etc.

May the new year 2017 bring joy, peace and happiness to you and your entire family. 


Week:   Monday 14th to Friday 18th
Statement:  "I take my turn to speak in class"

Week: Monday 7th to Friday 11th
Statement: "Be strong and courageous by doing your assigments first."

Remember these rules all the year!

The rules of the classroom


Welcome to this new school year 2016-2017. I'm so happy to have you in my class. I know you will enjoy learning English in second grade.

“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.”  Aristotle

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